How to Rent HPCC

Renting the community centre is easy!

  1. Visit our FAQ page to answer many of your rental questions.
  2. Check out the rental rates and packages below.  Click the Book Now icon for your package.   This will take you to our online booking app (Acuity Scheduling) and the price indicated at this stage includes HST and the refundable damage deposit (if applicable).
  3. Choose your date and times and tell us more information about your event and any special requests.
  4. Review and accept the Venue Rental Terms and Conditions on the booking app.
  5. At the end of the form, you can click “Pay Now” to pay immediately via credit card or “Pay Later” where we will email you an invoice.   With the Pay Later option, you can pay via cheque, Email Money Transfer or credit card.
  6. We will contact you if we have any questions or to provide a quote on any requested services.

Contact us if you’re having trouble with the online booking app or prefer to book via email or phone.

Within 7 days of booking:

  1. A 25% non-refundable booking deposit is due within 7 days of booking to confirm your reservation.  Please pay booking deposit or reservation will be deemed cancelled.

30 days (or 60 days for weddings and bar events) before your rental date:

  1. Rental Fees are payable in full prior to your rental date, as indicated on your invoice.  Please pay any balance due (rental fee less booking deposit paid at booking).
  2. For bar events, email us your final number of expected guests and if you have any special liquor requests.

Rental Day – Before Your Event:

  1. You do not need keys, a code or to meet anyone at the hall to gain access.  The alarm system and front door lock are programmed to give you access during your scheduled rental time, plus 30 minutes before and after for set up and tear down.
  2. Email us if you have any questions when you arrive.
  3. Set up any tables and chairs that you need.
  4. Enjoy your event!

Rental Day – After your Event:

  1. Please return tables and chairs to their original location.
  2. If you have not selected our convenient Party ‘n’ Go Package which includes staff cleaning service, then you are required to clean and return the hall to a fully rentable condition.  Download our Rental Checklist.
  3. Tell us how we did.  Please complete the Client Satisfaction Evaluation Form.  We appreciate your feedback!

Still have questions?  Check out our Frequently Asked Questions or contact us!
